Where To Buy Wreaths For Windows
I feel kind of silly admitting this, but I put off hanging outdoor wreaths for a long time. I was intimidated. And I worried that the process would take a long time and become frustrating. But the method I used turned out to be SO incredibly easy! I thought I would put together a quick post to share the process.
where to buy wreaths for windows
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Since this is the case, after I show you the method I used, I will also share some other suggestions I received from my friends on Instagram. That way you can have other options to try if your windows are different than mine.
Love this idea for window wreaths. Time for my husband to stop doing it with a ladder ? Question: what color paint is in the room that you showed how to attach the wreath to the window. Love it and would like to see if it works in my home. Thanks!
From your picture, it looks like you have half-screens? My windows tilt in like yours but I have full screens so would have to hang my wreaths from the top, which could be tricky because of the interior blinds.
I prefer to use 2 1/2 inch wide ribbon for my hanging ribbons. The ribbon I originally used to hang my wreaths was narrow. (See first picture of the house above to see the narrow hanging ribbon.) When that ribbon eventually began to shred after many years of use, I bought wider ribbon and I much prefer that look. (See picture just above for wide ribbon look.)
Normally I let the tail of the ribbon drape down, but this year I decided to pull out my ancient candles and use them in the windows along with the wreaths. So I pinned the tail of the hanging ribbon up with the pushpin.
I definitely recommend this for window lights if you can hide it behind a table skirt or something nearby. I put one downstairs in the living room and I can turn the candles in both windows on and off with just one step. This is going to make turning the candles on and off a cinch this year. Another great option would be timers for your candles. I saw bunches of those at Walmart, as well. I may try those next year.
Additional tip: If you live in an area that gets a lot of wind during the month of December, you may want to tie some fishing line to the bottom of your wreath and anchor it with the lower window. Or, you may wish to hang your wreaths from suction cups or some other method other than with a hanging ribbon.
How lovely dear Susan, you're house looks so gorgeous and festive! You did a great job with those pretty wreaths, I would do that in my windows til I die!! Thanks for sharing. Happy decking.FABBY
Looks so pretty. I don't hang wreaths, and have stopped using the old electric candles b/c this house doesn't have a Christmas light switch like my Raleigh house did. ? (I'm lazy.) I'm glad you said that about the extension cords b/c I didn't know they made those. My new Christmas tree came w/ a switch like that, but I didn't know a/b the cords. Was in Books a Million over the weekend and picked up Hoffman Media's Christmas in the White House publication about past Christmases in the White House. There is a mantel in there that looks very similar to the Pottery Barn entry that you hacked for your front porch. Made me wonder if the Pottery Barn designers got their inspiration from seeing that.
I just hung my wreaths on my front windows and do it the same way you do. No ladders over here! As for the lights in my windows, I might have to give these extension cords a try. For years I've been hooking up timers in every front room of my home. There are extension cords all over the place that I try to hide behind furniture and under rugs. But the look on the outside is just beautiful. The funniest thing is when half of the lights are on and the other half off! Enjoy your new camera. I recently bought the Nikon Cool Pix, not ready for the big one yet, and it also takes a lot of blurry pics. Can't figure out what the problem is. Marianne ?
I don't do wreaths on my windows because we have SO MUCH else going on outside! I REAL sleigh with a life sized Santa and reindeer on the porch is just one thing:) As far as candles, yes we do that every year. You can put them all on TIMERS and then you can forget all about them and they even come on and off if you aren't there!!!!! We went to Fl. one year and it looked like we were here! Just a thought. XO, Pinky
Beautiful! I have always wondered how to hang the wreaths, but I've never tried it. I do use the window candles, though. A few years ago I bit the bullet and bought the ones with the light sensors from JoAnn's. (They usually go on sale for 50% off at some point during the holidays.) No more turning them on and off! When it gets dark, they come on. This year I'm working on the garlands like you made last year for the columns on the front of the house. Maybe next year I'll take on the wreaths!
Susan, Your home looks beautiful dressed for Christmas. I love using wreaths and candles on the windows. I'm looking for new candles as three of mine didn't work when I took them out of the box. I don't know of any nice battery operated ones though.
I love your wreaths! I have hung wreaths on our windows using command hooks and they work well. I love the foot tap gadget! I have one for my tree. I decided this year to plug the candles in to a timer! The easy and lazy way to do it!
Hi Susan- your home looks lovely with the wreaths! What a classic colonial style home and the wreaths are just perfect with it.We have wreaths too, but I mount them from the inside. I have a light weight brass piece that was formed to slide in at the top of the window and hold the wreath. Our winter weather gets a bit aggressive and the wreaths can get to blowing in the wind and banging the windows so that's why I keep them inside. I want to update mine this year and I think it would be nice to have the long tails like yours.We have timers that run the lights and that works great, but I like your idea too!Sorry about your camera but glad they honored an exchange. I picked out a new one but I didn't go with an SLR style (had my eyes on the D7100) I decided to stick with a point and shoot, but still a Nikon. Told Dan not to give it to me until Christmas!
I have used plug in candles in my windows, in our last house, but never this house. I love them but there are a couple windows in our living room that would require a ladder to get to them every year so I have never used them here.
Your home is just lovely! I love the look of wreaths on windows, have been doing it for years too, no matter where I lived. The color of my bows has changed from time to time. Last year I wanted a more rustic, farmhouse look and hung the wreaths from a brown twine, from the hardware store, and used red bows on the wreaths. I will do that again this year, but using a different color red for the bows.We don't hang wreaths upstairs, as I have trees in the windows.This year we are planning to have a southern snowman, made from grapevine with a spotlight on him at night. Should have happened last weekend, but just not enough hours in the day!
I haven't hung outdoor wreaths on our windows, because that would mean pulling out the extension ladder and propping it on our ice covered driveway. Those double sash windows look like a dream to work with. Your house is so pretty with the outdoor wreaths! Thanks for sharing.
I know it is all beautiful, Susan. I used to hang wreaths in our windows, and I used the same method you are using. I switched to pine sprays with red bows in the center a few years ago. You can see them in my banner photo.
Someone asked about how I store the wreaths to keep the bows from getting crushed. I hang them in a storage area in the bonus room, up under the eves. The heat isn't probably that great for them, but it's the most convenient spot I have for storing them.
Your house looks beautiful. We use the candles, but not the wreaths. I had figured out how to do them without climbing. In hopes to do the wreaths, I checked several of the windows and I can't get some of the open. (Dang painters!) So, I will save my money & just go with the candles this year.Beckie
Oh, your house looks so beautiful and festive! I hang wreaths on the outside of the windows also, and I do it with ribbon like you do. But my windows are metal, so no push pins. I got some heavy duty clips (I guess they are meant for paper) at the office supply store that have a very strong grasp. I bring the ribbon inside like you do and fasten the end to a little edge that juts out of the window frame. I've been doing this for 8-10 years now, and haven't lost a wreath to the wind or snow yet! I keep thinking one will blow off in a storm, but they hold fast! It helps that the windows are tight.
I love wreaths with ribbons and window lights also. So classic. hung wreaths with ribbons in my saltbox home in Bellbrook, OH, back in the 90's. I placed the wreaths in the upstair windows jusr like you did. I received a lot of compliments from my neighbors since our house was one of the first ones seen as people would come home from work in our neighborhood. We still use the wreaths in the windows in our Niceville, FL, home.Your home is beautiful. Seeing your home has gotten my creative juices working overtime. Your blog is the first one I look at every day. We also have a sunroom with white wicker furniture. I also collect Dept. 56 and I have a bedroom with a brass and white bed which my daughter's daughter now sleeps in when she visits. Keep up the good work.
Susan,Your house is just beautiful bedecked with the wreaths and the traditional red ribbons and bows. We hang wreaths in our windows, too. We tried the battery operated candles, too, but ditched them after one year. Do you think Santa will bring me a nice camera?
Hi Susan, This is a wonderful tutorial. You have me staring at my windows trying to figure out how to do this. My windows are different, but if there is a will there is for sure a way. Thanks so much for sharing your elegant home with us.
For many years I hung wreaths on our windows. We don't have double sash windows, just single sash (they only open from the bottom up), so I hammered a tiny nail in the top of each exterior window frame and hung the wreaths from the nails. One year, though, it was very windy. The wreaths blew in the wind, back and forth, back and forth. They stayed up well, but when Christmas was over and I took them down, the screens had an arc-shaped tear inscribed in them from the bow wire scraping across the screen hundreds of times. We had to replace the screens and they were expensive b/c that exact size wasn't an in-stock item, just special order. 041b061a72