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“Red Pill or Blue Pill: A Journey to Self-Discovery”

Writer's picture: Dr. Irene BernardDr. Irene Bernard

A few years back, a social media post read, “denial means don’t even k(no)w I’m actually lying “to myself. That acronym untangles the mystery that lies in denial. No one ever realizes they’re in this blissful state of ignorance until they are on their way out of it.

Merriam-Webster defines denial as “the refusal to admit the truth or reality of something…”

It brings to mind the decision set before the character Neo in the first of The Matrix Trilogies. Take the red pill and the rose-colored glasses are destroyed along with an unrealistic view of key relationships with people you admired and respected for years. The red pill unstops your ears and suddenly you’ve been made keenly aware of the subtle passive-aggressive, condescending, racist, sexist, agist remarks made in the form of an inappropriate joke or jab.

Take the blue pill and you will remain in LaLa land, a place where you have learned to live a robotic, numb, Stepford wives’ existence. The blue pill keeps you locked into a program that you will routinely carry out, without any forethought or afterthought. The blue pill will have you convinced that life is as good as it gets, that your lover doesn’t mean the hurtful things they say, that your boss isn’t a sexist-racist-agist-prude and that just eat when you need to, drink socially, and you actually need that additional rest.

Therapy is our red pill. It’s a bold choice and possibly scary for some but it’s with therapy (the red pill) that we learn to view our world, others, and most importantly, ourselves through fresh eyes. The red pill helps change our perspectives, increase insights, and if we don’t give up, we’ll learn to soar to new heights, just like our character Neo, like we never seen.

 So, what’s it going to be, red pill or blue pill?

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